
Onboarding Process

To ensure a smooth integration of your game with our platform, we've outlined the essential steps and requirements for onboarding. Our goal is to provide you with the support and tools needed to successfully integrate skill-based wagering into your game.


Before beginning the integration process, please ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • A Game with Sufficient Skill: Your game should predominantly feature skill-based gameplay. See the Legal and Compliance section for more information about how we classify skill-based games.

  • A backend for your game: Currently your game must have a backend in order to integrate with Dubbz to ensure fair and secure gameplay. As our automated anti-cheat system improves, we will release versions of these tools that can be used on the client side.

  • Developer Dashboard and Sandbox Environment Access: Necessary for testing and integrating your game with Dubbz.

Accessing the Developer Dashboard

  1. Request Access: Begin by requesting access at dubbz.com/developer/request-access. You'll receive an email with a form to provide more information about your game.

  2. Preliminary Review: After submitting the form, our team will conduct a preliminary review of your game. Upon approval, you'll receive an access code for the sandbox environment.

  3. Sandbox Environment: Use your access code at sandbox-dubbz.com/developer/register to generate credentials for your sandbox account, where you can integrate and test your game.

  4. Integration and Testing: With sandbox credentials, integrate your game and test it thoroughly in the sandbox environment.

  5. Production Credentials: Once your game is successfully integrated and tested, let us know you're ready to go to production, and we'll give you production credentials.

Adding a New Game

  • Self-Service for SDK Users: For games integrated using our SDK, adding a new game is a straightforward process. Log in to the developer dashboard, navigate to the "Games" section, and click "New Game." Fill out the form to proceed.

  • HTTP API Integration: If your game utilizes our HTTP API, our team will configure the game settings for you.

Communication and Support

Throughout the onboarding and integration process, our external integrations team will establish a communication channel with you. This ensures that all your queries are addressed promptly, facilitating a seamless integration experience.

Last updated