Create Match

At this stage, a match is generated, and a unique identifier, known as a matchId, is assigned to this challenge match. This matchId plays a crucial role in linking the challenge on the Dubbz platform with the corresponding game session. Depending on the platform your game operates on, the method of delivering this matchId to your game—and subsequently using it—varies:

Web-Based Games

For web-based games, Dubbz can serve your game directly within an iframe on our platform. The matchId is passed through the URL to your game, ensuring that the specific challenge match is correctly initialized within your game environment.

Mobile App Games

For games that operate as mobile apps, Dubbz utilizes deep linking to transition users from the Dubbz platform to your game app, with the matchId passed as a URL parameter. This approach ensures a seamless user experience, directly launching the app and initializing the appropriate challenge match.

Desktop Games

Desktop games can integrate with Dubbz by configuring the platform to open the game's launcher when a challenge match is created. The matchId is passed to the launcher, allowing the game to start with the specific match details ready for the player.

Developer Implementation

Regardless of the platform, developers will need to ensure their game is configured to receive the matchId, process it appropriately, and save it for use throughout the match. This identifier is essential for reporting the match result back to Dubbz at the end of the challenge, completing the cycle of competition.

Last updated