Installation Preparation

  1. Install Newtonsoft Json Unity Package:

    • If you have Newtonsoft.Json.dll, you need to delete it.

    • Open the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager), click “+” in the top left corner and select “Add package by name”.

    • Enter the name com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json to the input box and click “Add”.

    • Wait for the Unity Package Manager to download the package.

  2. Set the API Compatibility Level to .NET Standard:

    • Select Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings.

    • Under the Configuration heading, click the API Compatibility Level dropdown and select “.NET Standard”.

  3. Disable Assembly Version Validation:

    • Select Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android settings > Other.

    • Uncheck “Assembly Version Validation”.

  4. If you have the DOTween plugin, you need to create ASMDEF:

    • Open DOTween Utility Panel (Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel).

    • Click the “Create ASMDEF…” button.

  5. Plugin Conflicts:

    • If you have one of the following plugins, you need to delete them as they are included in the Dubbz SDK:

      • Authentication-unity

      • Zxcvbn

      • WalletConnect

      • Nethereum


  1. Download the latest Unity Package. Once downloaded, you can import it in one of two ways:

    • Double-click on the .unitypackage file.

    • Navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and select the downloaded .unitypackage file.

    • Import all files in the package when prompted to.

  2. UniRx Plugin Conflict:

    • If you have the UniRx plugin installed, you might get an error regarding ambiguous method calls.

    • Replace all UniRx .Subscribe extension methods invocation with UniRx.ObservableExtensions.Subscribe static method invocation.

Last updated