Frequently asked questions

How frequently payments are sent to my organization?

Payments to your organization are going to be sent monthly to your configured payment method.

What are the payment methods available for my organization?

You can configure a paypal account or a crypto wallet.

How much does the Dubbz service cost?

We don’t charge any fixed amount nor do you need to pay in advance. We charge a 7.5% of the wagering made through your game.

Why do not you ask for a Playstore build?

Currently the PlayStore policies don’t allow skill based wagering apps or games. So if you add the Dubbz integration to your PlayStore game it will probably be rejected from the store.

Why are crypto payments not allowed in the iOS version of the Unity SDK?

Currently the AppStore policies don’t allow processing crypto payments within the app or game

Why do you use USDC?

To be able to protect the user assets and avoid fluctuating prices while wagering we decided to use USDC.

Last updated