Choosing your Integration Path

Integrating Dubbz's wagering functionalities into your game enhances player engagement by introducing competitive elements, whether through asynchronous challenges or live player-versus-player (PVP) matches. To get started, it's crucial to choose the right integration path that aligns with your game's design and your development preferences. This section will guide you through choosing between the HTTP API and the Unity SDK, as well as deciding on the type of competitive gameplay—Async Challenge or PVP Match—to implement.

HTTP API vs. Unity SDK


The HTTP API offers a flexible and powerful solution for integrating Dubbz into your game. It's suitable for a broad range of games, whether they're built on web3 technologies or traditional gaming platforms. The API supports both asynchronous challenges and PVP matches, providing a versatile foundation for incorporating wagering functionalities.


  • Full control over the integration process.

  • Compatible with web3 and non-web3 games.

  • Supports both Async Challenges and PVP Matches.

Unity SDK

The Unity SDK simplifies the integration of asynchronous challenge modes into your Unity-based games. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and a ready-made UI, making it easy to add wagering functionalities without extensive development work. Currently, the SDK is optimized for asynchronous challenges, with support for PVP modes planned for future updates.


  • Streamlined integration with a ready-made UI.

  • Ideal for asynchronous challenge modes.

  • PVP support coming soon, expanding the SDK’s capabilities.

Choosing Between Async Challenge and PVP Match

After selecting your integration method, consider the gameplay type that best fits your game’s existing mechanics and your audience’s preferences.

Asynchronous Challenges

Suitable for games where players aim to outdo each other's scores or times without simultaneous competition. This mode encourages ongoing engagement as players strive to climb the leaderboard at their own pace.

Ideal for:

  • Games with scoreboards, time trials, or level completions.

  • Players who prefer a flexible competition schedule.

PVP Matches

Best for games designed around real-time competition, offering the excitement of live battles or contests. This mode fosters a vibrant community around skill-based contests and live interaction.

Ideal for:

  • Games featuring direct player-vs-player mechanics.

  • Communities that thrive on real-time competition and social interaction.


Choosing the right integration path for Dubbz involves considering both the technical aspects of your game's development platform and the nature of the competitive experiences you wish to offer. Whether you opt for the HTTP API or the Unity SDK, and whether you integrate asynchronous challenges or prepare for live PVP matches, Dubbz provides the tools and support you need to enhance your game with engaging wagering functionalities. As you move forward, keep in mind the current capabilities and the exciting updates planned for the Unity SDK, ensuring that your integration choice aligns with your game's development roadmap and player engagement goals.

Last updated